Saturday, August 31, 2019

Clarifying Personal Values

In my personal opinion a moral dilemma is one having to choose between what is right and what is wrong. This could be taken in several different ways, and might not be what others view as the right definition however this definition is in my own words. Moral. 2013. In Merriam-Webster. com. Retrieved April 11, 2013, from http://www. merriam-webster. com/dictionary/moral, the meaning of moral is â€Å"of or relating to principals of right or wrong in behavior. † When looking at this specific definition you are unable to complete your assessment without also including the definition of dilemma.Dilemma. 2013. In Merriam-Webster. com. Retrieved April 11, 2013, from http://www. merriam-webster. com/dictionary/dilemma, a dilemma is â€Å"an argument presenting two or more equally conclusive alternatives against an opponent, in other words a usually undesirable or unpleasant choice. † An example of a moral dilemma that I personally have experienced was choosing whether or not i t would be acceptable to call the police and have my sister arrested for theft and possession of prescription medications which she stole from our mother.I had battled along-side my sister for 15 years with her drug addiction and I had finally come to my limit. I decided that it would be in her and her children’s best interest if she was forced into a rehabilitation situation and become the person that I knew she could be and also be capable of raising her children with the right morals and in the right type of environment. It was one of the hardest decisions I’ve ever had to make in my life, but I believe it was what was best for her. That was in October of 2009 and she has remained drug free ever since and her children are growing and thriving!While ethical dilemmas are similar to moral dilemmas, it seems that there is a generous amount of definitions. Upon researching and synthesizing 38 different definitions, Lewis (1985) defines business ethics as comprising the r ules, standards, principles, or codes giving guidelines for morally right behavior and truthfulness in specific situations. This tells me that an individual must make the right decision based on the best interest of themselves and/or the company regarding any ethical dilemmas that arise. An example of an ethical dilemma that my husband has recently had to make a ecision on is co-workers cutting corners on their job details and causing machinery to be pushed back for repairs prior to approval of shipment. I am unable to reveal the name of the company, however I can tell you that it is a multi-million dollar company that is international and if a machine went to a customer with parts not working correctly, it would not just be the customer that suffers. This would affect the customer, their state, and possibly more territories. My husband had to make the choice to speak to his supervisor privately and anonymously to get this situation taken care of.Not only could the machine not work correctly, there could also have been injuries to the other workers in the plant as well as potential injuries to the customer. Appendix C Clarifying Personal Values Each of you will be faced with numerous moral and ethical dilemmas throughout your career. To be prepared to make these ethical decisions, it is helpful to clarify your personal values, and morals before you are faced with an ethical dilemma. Review the following list of values and create a list of the five values most important to you in making decisions. acceptance accomplishment adventure ambition ssertiveness beauty bravery compassion competence conformity creativity customer satisfaction discipline diversity equality fairness flexibility freedom honor humility loyalty obedience order power promise keeping respect responsibility risk taking service success teamwork tradition trust understanding winning | | |List of Five Important Values | |1. | | |Competence | |2. | | | |Diversity | |3. | | | |Respect | |4. | | |Teamwork | |5. | | | |Trust | I think that my personal decision-making process is based on each situation that arises. I would have to say that I usually go with the moral dilemma way of thinking and choose what is right versus what is wrong. When it comes to an employment situation, I have had to make a few tough decisions on the ethical side of things.I’ve witnessed fellow employees being called nasty names by upper management, customers being treated rudely because of their race or religious beliefs, and individuals with mental disabilities treated with no respect and treated no better than a bee buzzing around someone’s head. It’s not easy to make a decision that can affect so many individuals, but in my eyes, as well as with the morals that my parents raised me with, doing what is right is always the best way to go. I think that when I look at the list that I chose, that I have given myself a pretty close-nit grouping.I find that when working in any type of industry, it is pertinent to have employees that are competent within their positions. Having a diverse group of employees allows for a larger opinion base and also shows that individuals that are very different in their own personal lives are able to work well together, thus showing the teamwork. Without teamwork, most businesses would fail miserably. It may take several different types of individuals to make a whole, and each of these people have a specific position within the company, but as a whole they ARE the company.I think that respect is a major factor when looking at business ethics. I do not believe that it matters where you stand within the company. I feel that each person deserves the respect of their fellow employees as well as management, owners, customers, etc. Once all of these factors are met then you have built a trust within the company base that allows for each individual department to depend on the others to carry out their roles so that all the puzzle piec es fit. I personally think that my own values are the reason that I choose right versus wrong. Sometimes it might not be the â€Å"best† decision, but morally nd ethically I choose to be open and honest about things that I see or find that are not in the best interest of a company, or even in my own personal life. Making the decision to have my sister arrested for her drug addiction was morally right but it was devastating to her children, my parents, and my own individual family. I chose the moral route of right, but in my mind it felt so wrong. Taking my niece and nephews’ mother away from them was one of the hardest things I have ever done. The decision-making process that I had to go through took a total of 15 minutes (the time it took for me to drive from my home to my parents’ home. I knew that I HAD to make her own up to her mistakes and get the children out of that environment. Just because I did what was morally right, doesn’t make it any differe nt in my heart. I personally don’t think that my personal values differ from that of an organization. I feel that I would make the right choice no matter what the situation. If I knew that a fellow employee was stealing from the company I would turn them in, but I would also hope that because I came forward regarding the situation that the management would not punish me or look at me any differently.I would not be coming forward because of a dislike for the other person, I would be coming forward because what they were doing would be wrong and the company would suffer from it. I would report any discrimination, theft, or inappropriate behaviors by others if need be. It would not only affect the company, but it would also affect me personally. This assignment has made me look closely at my background and see that I have had to make a lot of tough decisions, as have some individuals very close to me, however I believe that doing what is right will always trump choosing to eithe r ignore it or choosing the wrong way to go.Looking at the list above, I believe that all of these things are important for any one individual. Without having a lot of these traits, a person might not be the best fit for a company, nor would they be one of those individuals that I would allow in my life, let alone my children’s lives. If I am unable to trust, rely, or respect a person because of their choices, then that person is not somebody who needs to be involved with me or the company that I am working for.References Trevino, L. , & Nelson, K. (2011). Managing business ethics: Straight talk about how to do it right (5th ed. ). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. Malpas, J. , â€Å"Donald Davidson†, The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Winter 2012 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed. ), URL = . Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary copyright  © 2013 by Merriam-Webster, Incorporated Lewis, P. V: 1985, ‘Defining â€Å"Business Ethics†: Like Nailing Jello to a Wall', Journal of Business Ethics 4(5), 377-383.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Gilgamesh and Antigone

I examined the role of Gods in two texts- Gilgamish and Antigone and I felt that each text defines the role of Gods in its own unique way. For Antigone, the role of Gods is indirect; this is shown in Antigone’s actions and beliefs as her character is obviously clear minded and always aware not only that honoring the divine was the right stand to take in any situation, but also how exactly to pay respect to them: â€Å"I know I’m pleasing those I should please most† (line 88).After realizing the fact that the body of her brother (Polyneices) would not be given last rites, she went to her sister asking her for help in honoring the divine. When her sister declined her desire and warned her of the risks of such actions, Antigone was steady in her decision believing that disrespecting the Gods was the real risk, saying : â€Å"The time in which I must please those that are dead/ is much longer than I must please those of this world† (76-7). he Chorus speech aft er Creon has more or less determined the fate of antigone: With wisdom had someone declared a word of distinction: that evil seems good to one whose mind the god leads to ruin, and but for the briefest moment of time is his life outside of calamity. (619-24) Those hints by the chorus throughout the play lead us to another approach to understanding the role of gods in the it; the Gods were in control of everything, resulting the events to unfold, and maybe to teach a moral lesson to the city and even to the audience as well.Events that support this interpretation include the arrival of Antigone at the place of her brother after the guards removed the dust on her brother’s body, for example in these lines: Suddenly a squall lifted out of the earth a storm of dust, a trouble in the sky. (417-9) We closed our eyes, enduring this plague sent by the gods. When at long last we were quit of it, why, then we saw the girl. (422-4) The Epic of Gligmesh, however, introduces numerous Gods . The role of Gods in Gilgamish is more complicated and has its direct and indirect actions throughout the story.The indirect role of Gods in my opinion is shown when they instead of disciplining Gilgamesh for his unfair treatment of the young men and women of Uruk, they created a counterpart to distract him from his bold and unbearable behavior. The direct role of Gods in Gilgamesh is revealed during the debate about putting Enkidu into death and Enlil, the highest God, ends the talk that one of the two (Enkidu and Gilgamesh) must die for slaughtering Humbaba and the Bull of Heaven. That was a direct role for Gods in the epic of Gilgamesh I believe.Enlil has the power over the entire cosmos and the affairs of man. He is sometimes friendly towards mankind, but can also be cruel and send punishments to people. He was angry and humans had reasons to fear objecting him; he had in the past tries to destroy the human race. Another God introduced is Ishtar; she was all at once the goddess of love, war and fertility. Her role was direct as she wanted to use the bull of heaven and wanted it to loose so she can watch him stab Gilgamesh to death because he rejected her . The Goddess Ishar saw him and fell in love with the beauty of Gilgamesh†¦ â€Å"Be my lover, be my husband†, she spoke and said, †¦ â€Å"plant your seed in the body of Ishtar†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Gilgamesh answered ad said†¦ â€Å"I have nothing to give to her who lacks nothing at all. You are the door through which the cold gets in†¦ You are the house that falls down†¦ the ill-made wall that buckles when time has gone by. † (p. 29-30). The epic of Gilgamesh certainly has various roles of Gods in it, and their impact was more direct than Antigone.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Analysis of Ways of Knowing in Adult Education Assignment

Analysis of Ways of Knowing in Adult Education - Assignment Example Henschke (2005), an international Human Development Consultants, notes that irrespective of the global location, adults in all corners of the world learn in a similar fashion (p. 23). Adult learning usually takes a more multidimensional nature, which can be construed to mean that it takes a more holistic approach just as would been seen in the ensuing narrative. Embodied or Somatic Learning in Adult Education: According to Mathew (1998) somatic learning occurs in experiential learning, which in part involves â€Å"knowing through the senses, body action and reaction, and precepts (Mathew, p. 4)†. The knowing that experiential learning describes is one where the leaner participate actively in the process of knowledge acquisition through taking part in discussion, role playing or similar activities that might characterize the learning process. Clark’s (2001, p. 3) definition of somatic learning is more generalized when compared to Mathew. According to him, somatic learnin g is basically â€Å"the way we know from our bodily or physical experience† (Clark, p. 3). Almost all other definitions of somatic learning from prominent scholars have placed the body at the heart of the somatic learning concept. A common feature of these definitions is that they position somatic learning through or within the body instead of knowledge without or about the body (Brockman, 2001). Spiritual in Adult Education: Spirituality is and as always been an important component of adult learning. Many people might think that spirituality is one and the same with religion, which is fundamentally wrong. There is however no doubt that the two are related, but, spirituality per see is all about a person’s consciousness and honoring of completeness and the connection of all thing with what can only be referred to as a higher power (Elias, & Merriam, 2005). Just as there has been acceptance among the health care worker on the role of spirituality in healthcare, there h as been a similar acceptance among educators on the role of spirituality in adult education. The role of spirituality in adult education has particularly been found in the way people construct knowledge. A good example can be found in the Howard Gardner’s ground breaking research on multiple intelligences. Emancipatory spirituality, one of the spiritualities, whips people into small social and political groupings, while filling such groupings with strong spiritual practices like meditation (Jarvis, 2006). Just as the spirituality of each one of us is unique there is the communal dimension of spirituality. This community dimension of spirituality can be found in the fact that people spirituality can connect to what they collectively value and think is best for them as a group. A case in point of this connecting for the common good can be found in the Moken sea gypsies who are said to have fled the December 2004 Tsunami to high ground after â€Å"feeling† it advancing. T his spirituality is at the center of adult education. Narrative learning in Adult Education: The good thing with storytelling and sensemaking as a mean of transferring knowledge to an adult learner is that they can relate to these stories being narrated and thereby retaining the knowledge in those stories. This is because just as Merriam (2008, pp. 96) notes, the learning experience has to stem from something that is not only

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Emergency Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Emergency Management - Assignment Example The concept selected is preparedness. Preparedness relates to those activities; actions or strategies layout by emergency leaders in preparation for unforeseen disasters and emergencies. A good example of preparedness is training of emergency management personnel. Training prepares them with abilities, skills, and knowledge needed to handle future emergencies. For instance, NEMA can advance training to emergency personnel on handling contagious and infectious viruses like Ebola. Following the trending political and military situation in Juba, South Sudan, the government of America finds it difficult to advance security to its citizens in the country. The limited emergency services justify the evacuation plan. The current event and strategies of evacuation warnings relates to emergency management as US will be able to handle the situation once its citizens are out of danger (US Embassy, 2014). United States Embassy (Juba South Sudan) (January 3, 2014). Emergency Message for U.S. Citizens: Republic of South Sudan. Retrieved September 24, 2014, from

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Student-athletes should be paid a salary by the university Essay

Student-athletes should be paid a salary by the university - Essay Example Northwestern University has had it football players form unions that may assist them in getting a share of the proceeds of their games (TEB 1). This paper will take a look at some of the sports that students engage in, and if it is fair for the students to get a share of the proceeds. American football is one common sport in the United States that allows the not-so privileged students to get scholarships and attend classes in various institutions. This means that already they are getting benefits from the school that would not have otherwise been accorded to other less privileged children. This, however, does not mean that the school should take advantage of the needs of such students and exploit their talents in a bid to make profits. NCAA has been accused of legislating that athletes should not get any form of compensation apart from the scholarships they are already getting. It is my believing that playing sports in college is like a full-time job where students work, but receive no benefits for their efforts (TEB 1). The deals that most institutions get for their athletes can tumble into millions of dollars, yet most athletes do not get to see a dime of this money. It is also as I see that athletes who participate in games such as football need compensating for their activities. This is unless they end up demoralized and looking for alternatives to suit needs while going school. The NCAA has come up with reasons against compensating athletes claiming that it will ultimately lead to the disrespect and compromise of the beautiful concept of school competitions. This might be deemed as hypocritical because they are the ones making a killing out of students who give it their all to perform for their institutions without expecting or demanding for much in return. I believe that every student can be compensated based

Monday, August 26, 2019

Personal Health Records Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Personal Health Records - Assignment Example A medical record serves as the doctor’s reference to the medical history of the patient. It records the diagnosis history and treatments received by the patient. By having a medical record available upon check-up, the doctor can easily correlate the current physical condition of the patient to the information found in the medical record for faster and more accurate diagnosis and treatment. Medical records are comprehensive file that account almost all of the patient’s clinical records. In the case of legal proceedings where evidence may be required, having your medical record within arm’s reach is a great edge. Medical records are particularly important for patients who have allergic reactions to certain medications. This type of information is included in medical records. For more concerned physicians and specialists, keeping medical records is just as important as preventing the counterproductive outcomes, which could be prevented by providing doctors with accurate and up-to-date medical records. The advantages of keeping medical records do not only save our lives but it also promotes good health and better relationship with our doctors. So if you are not used to keeping medical records, now is the perfect time to start. The Importance of Keeping Medical

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Statment of purpose Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Statment of purpose - Personal Statement Example applications, I have envisioned honing my professional acumen through higher education through an MBA degree from your prestigious institution, the John Hopkins Carey Business School. As indicated in my Curriculum Vitae, my interest in MBA was initiated by my readings in this field of endeavor. There is this burning desire to specialize in a highly professional and attractive career, where MBA professionals are deemed to be very scarce in Saudi Arabia. It is my personal goal to be instrumental in filling that professional gap in the Saudi work market with the expertise I hope to achieve at John Hopkins. As I briefly reviewed the vast opportunities offered by the Carey Business School of John Hopkins, I am more determined and enthusiastic to enroll in one of the programs that would fit my personal requirements. I am most interested in developing personal and professional skills that focus on leadership, conflict resolution, design of strategies, and to address various business problem scenarios in the contemporary global environment. I was most impressed with the John Hopkins’ statement towards the commitment â€Å"to help you develop into an ethical, informed business professional—a capable leader who is culturally literate and entrepreneurial in spirit. You will know how to roll up your sleeves to get the job done, how to capture and articulate a brilliant idea, how to inspire others, how to lead and how to follow† (John Hopkins Global MBA, 2011, par. 9). The statement comprehensively defines the fulfillment of my personal goal to be an active contributor in m y native country of the knowledge, skills and abilities that would be improved through a multidimensional approach. If the opportunities would permit, I also plan to apply the business skills in other global markets to enable me to widen my experience and gain substantial expertise on a global scale. Ultimately, my goal to become an entrepreneur, a leader, and a manager of global perspectives would be

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Personal Educational Platform Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Personal Educational Platform - Essay Example Encourage interns to address the problems of socially excluded segment in the culturally diverse society in the current times of rapid globalization. Education empowers children. It also equips children with social and academic skills that widen their understanding of people and environment (Kurland et al., 2010). Moreover, education is intrinsically linked to the advancement of the society and helps children to contribute constructively to the development of the nation. Mentorship is important as it helps inculcates honesty, integrity and being ethical and knowledgeable. It also encourages trust in the mentee and belief in their competencies and values. Furthermore, mentors empower their mentees with knowledge and necessary skills in the area of education so as to become responsible citizen and constructive worker of society. Honesty, integrity, ethical considerations and sense of equity were vital attributes of educational leaders that influence the development of children positively. Better understanding of cross-cultural values helped me to impart education to diverse group of students that promoted social equity. It also revealed the importance of being able to connect with children and develop their interests in the studies. I have strong communication skills. It can be exploited in my teaching profession to build bonds with students and influence their academic achievements. It can be especially useful in education of children who are excluded like drug addicts, teenaged pregnant girl students etc. I have low understanding of cross-cultural values. In the contemporary multicultural society, cultural understanding is vital for teachers as it equips them to exploit cultural competencies of the students. Most importantly, enhancing cultural understanding promotes mutual respect and trust between students and interns for effective learning. School culture is important as it promotes equity across students coming from

Friday, August 23, 2019

Internal Control Over Financial Reporting Essay

Internal Control Over Financial Reporting - Essay Example The editing paper "Internal Control Over Financial Reporting" talks about the internal control over financial reporting and performing an integrated audit of Ford Motor Company and Toyota Motor Corporation. According to the Securities and Exchange Commission, disclosure procedures and controls includes those procedures and controls put in place to ensure that the information required to be availed in financial reports is processed, recorded, summarized and reported within the required timeframe as stipulated in the SEC rules. These procedures and control policy have an organized framework that enables an issuer to disclose the information required in the Exchange Act reports. The accumulated report is presented to the management of the issuer who include financial and principal executive officers within an appropriate time limit that enable implementation old decisions on the required disclosures. Despite their differences, internal controls and disclosure control overlap over financial reporting. Therefore, inherent limitations are those unintentional errors or intentional misstatements that may reflect in financial reports despite proper design and monitoring process. Comments on these limitations on financial report and statements aim at highlighting the impossibility of a 100% assurance control system, and that the information in the statements is material-error free. And the assurance that internal control does not contain any material weaknesses is essential to a management team.

Womens college basketball, Rice Vs Tulan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Womens college basketball, Rice Vs Tulan - Essay Example Considering the fact that this game was the first one to be live broadcasted on cable TV, the organizers of the match tried their best to provide everything needed to ensure the safety and comfort of the viewers. The playground was decorated like the playgrounds for professional teams, there were lots of people who watched over to prevent any misunderstanding among the spectators. And, of course, no alcoholic drinks were allowed. Live broadcasting of this event will inevitably have positive impact on the overall wellness of the university sporting budget, as it can possibly attract sponsors, and head hunters who look for potential professional players in the college teams. College administration will get the resources needed to improve the sporting base, and motivate players and trainers for more effective work. As I've already noted, the college administration have spent lots of money for preparing the playground to this game. Nevertheless, they hope that their expenditures will be covered by the profits from advertising during the match. And, what is true, there were quite a lot of companies who agreed to pay Tulan for putting their advertisements on the playground. Live broadcasting have automatically transformed this match into an almost national event, as people all over the country could see it live. On the example of this game we can see the process of sports commercialization. College sport nowadays is a pre-school for many professional sportsman, but it is inevitably drives less attention than the professional sporting events. Nevertheless with each passing year the expenditures on college sports became grater, and more attention is driven to the contests between college basketball, baseball, swimming, and even soccer teams. In the case described there is the additional factor that increases the chances for popularity - players are female. It's well known, that despite the Title IX and all other measures, for many people women's sport is more of aesthetical value than of sporting one. This is the reason for which the Tulan basketball team may help its university increase the sporting budget, and become more popular. The girls from the Tulane College won. They were happy, no less than the NBL players after winning the last match in the season. I wish them luck, and I will watch their progress in future. 2. Wycombe v Chelsea, 10/01/07 This was the sporting event I watched on TV, an important soccer match for the Carling Cup semi-final in Britain. Soccer is very popular in the United Kingdom, and, despite of the fact, that this tournament wasn't the one of national importance, there were lots of viewers who gathered to watch it on the tribunes, and lots of people in different countries watched it broadcasted. Like most of the important sporting events, this match attracted the attention of numerous sponsors. There were lots of advertisements on the playround, before tha match, durng, and after it. The companies, who are interested in advertising their products to the specific audience (and those are mostly men, who are soccer-lovers) are ready to part

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Carbon dioxide Essay Example for Free

Carbon dioxide Essay Do not write outside the box around each page or on blank pages. ? Do all rough work in this book. Cross through any work you do not want to be marked. Information The marks for questions are shown in brackets. ? The maximum mark for this paper is 45. ? You are expected to use a calculator where appropriate. ? You are reminded of the need for good English and clear presentation in your answers. ? Advice ? In all calculations, show clearly how you work out your answer. (Jan12CHy1H01) K76507 6/6/6 CHY1H 2 Answer all questions in the spaces provided. Do not write outside the box 1 Petroleum diesel is a fuel made from crude oil. Biodiesel is a fuel made from vegetable oils. To make biodiesel, large areas of land are needed to grow crops from which the vegetable oils are extracted. Large areas of forest are cleared by burning the trees to provide more land for growing these crops. Leave as forest Forest Produce food Burn the trees Grow crops Produce biodiesel 1 (a) 1 (a) (i) Use this information and your knowledge and understanding to answer these questions. Carbon neutral means that there is no increase in the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Case Study Social Media Marketing In Pakistan Marketing Essay

Case Study Social Media Marketing In Pakistan Marketing Essay The social web is same as the word explains it Social. In short, Social Media  is a medium for  social interaction, using highly reachable communication techniques. Social Media and Social Media Networking are the most important technologies that have been altering the face of the Internet. The Internet as we know it has grown-up so much in the past few years; sometimes its difficult to believe. Social Media and Pakistan: For the previous few years People of Pakistan have started expressing their views and opinions through Twitter, Facebook, Orkut, Google Buzz, blogging, and so on. Now a common Pakistani internet user is more aware of environment than he was ever before. In short the social media have immeasurably educated the common Pakistani. Social Media for Businesses: Online advertising is not somewhat new. Google, Yahoo, and MSN have ruled the internet when it comes to internet advertising platforms. Over the last 5 years websites like Facebook, twitter, linkedin have continued to grow in reputation and popularity, creating amplified opportunities for businesses to market online and reach millions of consumers. Organizations in Pakistan have been promoting their products, services and brands using social media but still the industry has to crop up to not worth it. There is digit of brands that used social media not only as a marketing tool but also as a better customer service solution but still the results of such marketing tools in Pakistan are yet to realize. Though, our neighboring country India and many other countries has been using these social media websites as a marketing tool and getting better outputs from their social media campaigns. Social Media Marketing: Social media in Pakistan is shaping up which could be used as a cheap medium of marketing and customer service. Brands in Pakistan are investing hell of amount in television ads, radio and news paper ads, but most of our brands and organizations are not aware of the possibilities of social media marketing. Social media can boost up their sales and can build goodwill with less cost. Only businesses are not neglecting the possibilities of social media, educational sector is also doing the same thing. There is not even a single institute in Pakistan who is offering a short term or long term course on Internet Marketing. Even there should be a course on internet marketing for marketing graduates. They should be taught how to run internet marketing campaigns rather just telling them what marketing actually is and how to trap a customer by wasting hell of amount on TVCs and radio ads. Our marketing graduates do know how to design a TVC or how to bring creativity in radio ads but they dont know how to run an internet marketing campaign. Another issue arising now a days while hiring social media executives and that issue is who should run internet marketing campaigns Who are more competent in running these campaigns? Either, Business graduates or computer sciences graduates? I think social media has all the beauty in its two way communication model. Its all about collecting feedback from customer and creating awareness. A company which is operating their social media must listen to the complaints. This is an open platform for the customers to say anything they want. So companies must not make this media as one way communication models. And I strongly believe that there must be a course of Internet marketing for all marketing grads. [M. Sajjad, Social Media Executive] Have you ever wondered  how mega-corporations manage their social media initiatives? Almost hundreds of mega corporations running their social media campaigns on social networks. Intel International: If we take Intel as an example, Ekaterina has been a part of Intels Social Media Center of Excellence, She is managing Intels Facebook fan page. In an interview with Michael Stelzner Ekaterina told that Intel created their Facebook page for folks to talk about technology and, of course, Intel products. In the beginning the growth of Intel popularity on Facebook was 3% to 4% but after more attention and attractive contents it goes up to 10% to 12% monthly growth. According to Ekaterina 20 or 30 years ago, they have been talking to folks in computer clubs about the products of Intel but now with the advancement of internet they can communicate with thousands of customers from one place. Jet Blue: JetBlue was one of the first mega brands to join Twitter and started communication with their customers. Today, Jetblue has over a million followers, and its account is often cited as an example of smart corporate tweeting. Through informal employee/customer interactions via Twitter, they hoped to humanize their entire organization Some people were asking for help, and others were saying things that werent correct, recalls JetBlues manager of corporate communications, Morgan Johnston. Coca-Cola: Coca-cola international is also the one who used social media as a branding tool to create positive brand image in the mind of the customers. Coca-cola international is also the one who used social media as a branding tool to create positive brand image in the mind of the customers. Cocacola in the year 2009 got the name as the brand making the best use of Facebook by The Big Money for running a best campaign on Facebook known as Expedition 206. Michael Donnelly, who is Group Director of Worldwide Interactive Marketing for Coca-Cola told in a report that their My Coke Rewards program was a biggest hit and it was a drive to create emotional loyalty in the mind of the customers. Zong Pakistan: Now if we talk about social media marketing in Pakistan there are limited numbers of brands using social media as a tool to interact with customers. Zong Pakistan recently came up with a new product M9. They created a facebook fan page and interacted with the customers, gifted them scratch cards, Ipods and different other gifts. M9 on facebook went a massive hit, with in just 3 days they got more than 20,000 facebook Fans and more than 2000 users interacting with them on facebook fan page. With Less investment in social Media Zong created enough awareness. Got the views of customers about their favorite mobile packages and what type of packages users wants? Intel Pakistan: After a huge success of Intel International facebook fan page, Intel also adopted their social media marketing strategy in Pakistan. Intel Pakistan Brought a platform where users can share, discuss and easily get first hand information about the latest technology developments and know whats happening in the world of Intel Pakistan. In a short period of time Intel Pakistan got more than 40,000 facebook fans who interacts with the Intels management so easily that was never before. The Use of Social Media In Pakistan I asked many questions from the participants from all over the Pakistan about social media in Pakistan and its usage. Use of Social Media (Usage of social media websites) I began with simply asking the participants if they use social media in there daily life? In response to this question participants replied that they do use different social media websites in daily life and Facebook is famous in all of them. 99% of the participants use facebook and they have profiles on Facebook. Where as twitter stood at second place in this question with 48% respondents. People aged 18-25 are more likely to use Facebook and Twitter where as people with the age 25-35 are more likely to use LinkedIn and Twitter. 27% Professionals, Graduates and Postgraduate students are addictive to social media websites as most of respondents were professionals and students. There were 75% males who answered my questions which show more males are using social media websites than females. Time a person spends on social media websites (Time Per Session)(Login Duration) In Answer to my question which was asked to judge the time a person spends on Social media websites per session 61% respondents said they spend more than 30 minutes in social media websites per session means their 1 session is more than half an hour. If I estimate total time a person spends on his/her favorite social media website in 1 day it would an average time of 3-4 Hours in a day. Male professionals are likely to spend more time on social websites in comparison to female professionals. Ad Views (Did you notice any ads?) (Clicks on Ads) 72% of the social media website users notice ads that are being displayed on these websites. Where as 28% respondents do not consider or notice such advertisements on social media websites. Significantly 42% of the respondents click on ads most of the time and 38% clicks occasionally. 42% of respondents who clicks these ads regularly are mostly the youth. Advertisements: (Ads that are liked the most) (Organizations working Social media marketing) People like images and text ads the most on social media websites this is clear messages to our future social marketing advertisers this could help them to understand what type of ads they should design. There are 60% organizations in Pakistan who dont have any dedicated department or person who is working on social media websites to promote their business where are 40% respondents said their organizations are working on social media marketing. Where People Want to Advertise On (Where you would like to advertise as an advertiser?) When I asked respondents this question if they are a marketing manager of an organization and they are required to run a campaign on social media then what social media theyd prefer to market their products? And 96% respondents were in the favor of Facebook. 45% professionals said they would prefer Facebook and Twitter for marketing of their products. Where as 30% of Graduates said they would either prefer Linkedin and Facebook. In short, most of the people want to market their products in social media sites and they want to learn how to use the social media tools available.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Social Media Impact on Fast Food Chain (KFC)

Social Media Impact on Fast Food Chain (KFC) Uuse Table of Contents (Jump to) 1. Introduction 1.1 Research aim 1.2 Research Questions 1.3 Research objective 2. Literature review 2.1 Social media 2.2 Impact of social media 2.3 Fast food chain 3. Research methodology 3.1 Research design 3.2 Population and Sampling method 3.3 Data collection 3.4 Reliability and validity 3.5 Ethical consideration 3.6 Data analysis 3.7 Research limitation 4. Anticipated findings 1. Introduction This report is targeted on exploring and understanding the impact of social media on fast food chain, focusing on fast food companies of UK. So, we have chosen KFC for case study to carry out the research on this topic, as KFC is well known company in fast food industry not only in UK but worldwide. In today’s world, people are attached with the social media and defy on it while selecting any organization they need to deal to fulfill their needs. So, social media impacts on the buying behavior of customers and on selection of the organization. Social media is used by the companies in order to advertise their products and services. In this report, we first sort out research aims and research questions that start the plan for research. Then in literature review, the concepts on social media along with its impact and the fast food chain are discussed. Further, we choose research method and research design for this report and then we also choose the methods of data collection and data analysis. Finally, in this research proposal we discuss the anticipated findings that we could achieve from this research. KFC is a fast food company now owned by Pepsico and was established in the service station of USA serving chickens. The full form of KFC is Kentucky Fried Chicken, based in Lousville, it is one of the few brands in USA that can boast about having 59 year old history of success and innovation. KFC serves chicken along with varieties of other products like burger, mashed potatoes, and sandwiches also. It has been serving customers foods as prepared at home at very affordable price that could be bought by people of even low income also. It has opened its 15,000 outlets in 105 countries like Malaysia, China, UK and so on. In this report, we carry out our research in the outlets that are situated in different places in the capital city of UK that is London. KFC is famous for serving chicken with unique taste that has been able to win hearts of several people all over the world. It has many employees working through its outlets in several countries speaking different languages and from dif ferent cultures and tradition but are dedicated to the achievement of organizational goals and objectives. The unique taste of fried chicken of KFC as well as different flavors of chicken curry, tom yam chicken, hot and spicy and original recipe etc. has been unique feature of KFC which has made it popular among its customers and a successful company in the fast food industry. 1.1 Research aims This report is concerned on social media and the fast food chain, so the aims of this research are also based around it. This research aims to find following facts on the fast food chain, To understand the social media used by KFC. To find the impact of social media on customers. To find the impact of social media in the company. To find the effectiveness of social media. 1.2 Research Questions This report is determined to find out the answers to following research questions: What is the effect of social media on KFC? What is the social media used by KFC? How is social media being helpful to KFC? What is the impact of social media on customers? 1.3 Research objectives This report is based on the hypothesis on finding the impact of social media on fast food chain. So, it sheds light on the effects of social media on the fast food companies. This research has been carried out with certain objectives which are sorted out in following points: To gain knowledge on the use of social media by KFC. To understand the impact of social media on KFC. To study the impact of social media on customers and employees of KFC. 2. Literature review In literature review section of this report, we gain knowledge on social media, its use in fast food industry and also its impact on the organization. We also discuss about the fast food industry and the fast food chains. In this report the discussion is centered on the role of social media in daily life, its consumption, customer’s perceptions of advantages and disadvantages of social media, the acceptance and impact of social media advertising, the level of engagement of brand through social media and the role of other media in reinforcing social media communication. 2.1 Social media Social media has revolutionized the communicating methods of the individuals, community, organization or the whole world. It can be defined as,† a group of internet based applications that is build on the ideological and technological foundations that allow the creation of exchange of User Generated Content.† It has been convenient way of communicating with the people not only within a certain region but within the globe. It has become an essential part of an organization in order to communicate with its customers, suppliers, investors as well as its employees. Rapid use of social media by the customers has enforced the organization to use those media in order to communicate with their customers as well as to build solid relationship with them that helps in customer retention. So, they are using blogs, wikis, podcast, social networking sites, websites and you tube so as to stay in touch with their customers and to get informed of new offerings on the market. Most of the o rganizations are using social media for marketing and include these media in their marketing strategies and plans. As consumers are turning away from traditional sources of advertising like radio and television, social media has become modern solution for advertising within the mass and wide range of people. Blogs are a kind of social media where people post images, ideas or links. Social networks are places where people with common interest meet and form personal websites. Content communities are websites where particular content can be organized or shared with others. Forums are sites for exchanging ideas or information around particular interests. Some of the most popular social media that people use are facebook, twitter, You Tube, Flickr, and Wikipaedia. Social media sites have been attracting millions of users around the world and some researches also show that most of the people in the world remain in touch with the social media sites daily. Social media is combination of sev eral internet tools that enable users to generate, exchange and modify content continuously. Social media like facebook, twitter, instagram, you tube websites, mobile social media etc have overwhelming number of followers increasing day by day. As the fast food industry in UK has become very competitive along with entry of several players, it has increased the level of competition and challenged the marketing players. So, KFC though is very popular needs to use more advertising sources in order to get a competitive edge and to win over its rivals. Social media has been rapidly used by KFC in order to gain global access and also for reducing its transaction costs. Further, it also facilitates access to potential customers along with customization of products and services and exchange of service and information. It has also become easiest way of taking orders for the food items for the company as well as its customers due to overwhelming use of social media. 2.2 Impact of social media Social media as being used rapidly by the people around the world attracts attention and encourages readers to share it with their social network sites. It acts as a platform for everyone who has easy access of internet. Social media also serves as the best advertising media as it is driven by word of mouth and can be considered as earned media rather than paid media. It also helps in increasing brand awareness through increased communication activities. It can be helpful in marketing campaigns for the recognition of the organization in the newer market as well as existing market. Social media is an online content created by people using highly accessible and scalable publishing technologies. It provides numerous opportunities for strengthening and expanding relationships to customers. Social media impacts the customers for the selection of the organization they want to deal in order to fulfill their requirements as they are closely related to these media nowadays and trust these media the most to get information. For this research, it is important to understand the effect of social media on the potential customers when they are deciding which product or services they want to acquire. Customers use social media to enable them to create and share content, and communicate with one another build relationship with other people. Social media has become major factor in influencing various aspects of customer behavior including needs, recognition, information acquisition, opinions and attitudes, purchase behavior and post purchase communication. Social media develop horizontal relationship ranging from customer service to customer retention and acquisition. Increasing use of social websites perceive as a tool in forming online communities of users. Also companies can obta in various feedbacks and comment regarding their services so that they can improve their service in order to meet the needs and satisfaction of customers. Development of social media has helped in growth and expansion of business of fast food companies like KFC. 2.3 Fast food chain Fast food industry was not been available since ancient times but it has now becoming rapidly growing industry along with busy and scheduled life of people. As its name this industry is famous within its customers in providing quick food service for the rush hour of rapidly moving people. Mostly fast food industry serves quick foods like hamburger, sandwiches and also meat contained product. This industry is one of the most competitive and saturated industry in developed countries like UK or USA. Fast food service has culture has been embraced by several people due to their busy schedule and also easy availability of food when they want. 3. Research methodology 3.1 Research design This research is based on fast food chains and needs to explore the facts on impacts of social media, so it follows positivism theory of research methodology and deductive approach as the process of this research arrives at conclusions based on the interpretation of the meaning of the results of data analysis. This research is of exploratory nature as less previous researches have been found regarding this subject and general nature of the problem along with factors related to it has to be discovered. So, this research is commanded by qualitative methodology as it is of exploratory nature. Through deductive process, this research aims to uncover rich and detailed descriptions with a holistic focus. 3.2 Population and Sampling method In the proposed study, the population to be studied has been first identified and sampling frame was developed. The population for this study comprises all the customers and employees who are related to KFC belonging to different levels of jobs they are employed to. As this research is carried in KFC stores located at London Chinatown and Marylebone in London, UK, the population for this report is the customers and employees who are related to the stores there. Further, non-probability sampling method will be used for this research as it doesn’t involve random selection which is not feasible for this research. This research is of exploratory nature, so convenience sampling method is appropriate where the samples are selected looking into the ease of their accessibility and interest for the study. As the name reveals, convenience sampling is selected because it is convenient and often saves time and effort of the researcher to select a random sample. 3.3 Data collection As per the need of the study, both primary and secondary data will be collected, but priority will be given to collection of primary data, which will be both quantitative as well as qualitative. Primary data will be collected by some of the popular techniques used in this field. Primary data will be collected via field study where the researcher will visit KFC stores in order to collect data. In KFC stores, the researcher will collect the data through questionnaire method by distributing questionnaires to the respondents and then after they finish collecting it. So, questionnaire will be designed in view of data requirements and will be distributed to the respondents in the field. The respondents will be convinced that their responses will be kept confidential and average time taken to fill the questionnaire will also be limited. Secondary data will be collected adopting various secondary means and through the access of some secondary sources available conveniently. It will be collected from previous researches, previous studies, published or unpublished documents, annual reports of KFC, journals on KFC and other related articles that can be useful for this research. Secondary information available will be useful in checking the validity and reliability of empirical field data. The methods adopted in the study to generate relevant data will be guided by research objectives, questions and type of data required for the study. 3.4 Reliability and validity A reliable measurement is one which gives consistent results on independent testing. If the findings of one piece of work can be replicated by another research group, or by the same research group at a later occasion, then it produces the same result, then it is deemed to be reliable. Though total reliability is difficult to be achieved, quantitative methods are likely to aspire to it. In order to eliminate the chances of error, it is always better, if there are repeated observations and the measurements of the same individuals or situations. Validity concerns whether a research method gives a true picture of what it claims to have recorded, and shows social realities as they really are. No matter how reliable data may be, it will always be limited in its validity if the researcher cannot show that it gives true account of what it is being studied. It is the strength of our conclusions, inferences or propositions. It is an element that addresses the issues of whether the researcher is actually measuring what they want to. Reliability estimates the consistency of measurement and validity estimates the accuracy of your measurement. A measure can be perfectly reliable but yet not valid, which shows that reliability and validity differ from each other. 3.5 Ethical consideration In present situation, researchers have to carry out their research along with the consideration of ethical issues as well as obligations regarding the people participating in the research as well as the organization. Researchers need to do everything in their authority to make sure that their research doesn’t harm the cultural or ethical respect of the participants. So, for the research, written permission to conduct it has been sought and the Code of Good Research Practice of KFC will be followed. The respondents will be chosen based upon their willingness towards the research. Privacy, anonymity and confidentiality (PAC) of the studied groups will be strictly maintained. The data collection method includes personal information of the respondent also, so the information will be kept confidential and will not be used for other purposes than the research. Further, data provided by KFC will be secured in files with password protection. The final reports will not be provided for other researches and will not be provided for wider circulation. The participants as well as the organization under study will be provided with the required information on the research as well as the researcher. Further, while doing research the researcher should also ensure that the participants will be provided with certain questions to be answered and given certain time which will be recorded by the researcher. Further, the rules and regulations of KFC as well as of the business schools shall be followed while carrying out the research. 3.6 Data analysis Data analysis is very decisive in research as researcher has to highlight how in what ways data has to be tabulated and analyzed. The data collected from secondary and primary sources will be analyzed to obtain findings of the research. Statistical procedures will be clearly indicated. Quantitative as well qualitative data will be analyzed using the techniques that are available and easy to use. Simple statistical techniques will be espoused for analyzing data such as charts, diagram, figures percentage rank etc. so, qualitative and quantitative data will be analyzed, categorized and tabulated according to the objectives of the research study. 3.7 Research limitation Like every other researches, this research is also bound into certain limitations that has to be followed and considered while carrying out this research. There are certain limitations for this research which binds this research in a small boundary with restricted time frame. Hence, major limitation of this research is termed as the timetable that limits this research in a boundary of time frame for completion of this research. Further, limitation of this research also has been observed in the research method to be used which is in the sampling method to be used in this research. The limitation also can be observed in the scope of this research. Also, the research methodology of this research is chosen for the shorter span of time and less time consuming method due to restriction of time. So, this research may not shed much light on the impacts of social media but can be useful in order to carry out other researches in future regarding the same subject matter. 4. Anticipated findings After the analysis of data collected from the research, this report may shed light on various facts on social media and its impact on the fast food chains. So, we can assume that we can be able to shed light on the following points of the subject topic: Reveal the involvement of KFC in use of social media. Provide information on impact of social media on KFC. Provide information on advantage or disadvantage of social media regarding fast food chains. Provide suggestions on use of social media for benefit of fast food chains.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Egypt : The People :: essays research papers

Egypt : The People Approximately 32,500,000 people live in Egypt. Peasant farmers called fellahin make up over 60 percent of the population. But less than 4 percent of Egypt's land is suitable for farming. Before the leaders of the 1952 revolution introduced land reform, less than 2 percent of the landowners owned half of the land available for farming. Most of the fellahin were tenants or owned very tiny farms. A man who owned 3 to 5 acres was considered well-off. Now no one is permitted to own more than 50 acres, and the average Egyptian farm is generally much smaller than that.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  An Egyptian farmer's main tools are the hoe, a simple plow, and the sakia, or waterwheel. The fellah, his wife, and their children all work together in the fields. The dreary routine of their lives is relieved only on a few occasions-the group prayer in the mosques on Fridays, religious feasts, and family events such as weddings or the circumcisions of young boys.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A farmer's most valuable possession is the water buffalo, cow, or ox that helps him with the heavy farm work. The water buffalo or ox draws the plow, turns the waterwheel, and pulls the nowraj. The nowraj is a wooden platform mounted on four or five iron disks. The sharpened edges of the disks crush the stalks of wheat so that the grain can be separated from the chaff. The water buffalo or cow also supplies the fellah's family with milk and with calves that can be sold. Very often the fellah shares his house with his animals. This is unsanitary, but it is the farmer's preferred way of protecting them. The theft of an animal could mean economic catastrophe for the poor fellah.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The fellah wears a loose, long cotton robe called a gallabiyea, loose cotton pants, and a wool cap, which he makes himself. For special events he makes a turban by folding a white sash around the cap. Flat, yellow slippers complete the fellah's outfit.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The fellah, the wife of the fellah, wears dresses with long sleeves and trailing flounces and a black veil, which she sometimes uses to cover her face. On market days and other special occasions the women wear earrings, necklaces, bracelets, and anklets. These ornaments are usually made of beads, silver, glass, copper, or gold. They make a pleasant musical sound as the fellah walks along the dusty lanes of the village.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Most of Egypt's fellahin live in the villages along the Nile. The villages invariably look gray because the houses are whitewashed only for important events suck as weddings.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Use of Satire to Target Religion, Military, and Optimism in Voltaires

Use of Satire to Target Religion, Military, and Optimism in Voltaire's Candide    In his work, Candide, Voltaire uses satire as a means of conveying his opinions about many aspects of European society in the eighteenth century.   Voltaire successfully criticizes religion, the military, and the philosophy of optimism.   Religious leaders are the targets of satire throughout Candide. Voltaire portrays the religious clergy as men who use their positions to further their own causes. In addition, the priests keep the less fortunate oppressed, so the clergy members can continue to enjoy extravagant luxuries. Candide discovers the young Baron, whom he thought to be dead, living among the Jesuit Priests of Paraguay. Assuming the native people must be thriving under the protection of these religious/military leaders, Candide believes this to be a most pleasant place to live. However, he soon discovers that the religious leaders are pilfering the resources of the natives. The young Baron is found eating from golden bowls while the native people live in poverty with very little food. Th... Use of Satire to Target Religion, Military, and Optimism in Voltaire's Use of Satire to Target Religion, Military, and Optimism in Voltaire's Candide    In his work, Candide, Voltaire uses satire as a means of conveying his opinions about many aspects of European society in the eighteenth century.   Voltaire successfully criticizes religion, the military, and the philosophy of optimism.   Religious leaders are the targets of satire throughout Candide. Voltaire portrays the religious clergy as men who use their positions to further their own causes. In addition, the priests keep the less fortunate oppressed, so the clergy members can continue to enjoy extravagant luxuries. Candide discovers the young Baron, whom he thought to be dead, living among the Jesuit Priests of Paraguay. Assuming the native people must be thriving under the protection of these religious/military leaders, Candide believes this to be a most pleasant place to live. However, he soon discovers that the religious leaders are pilfering the resources of the natives. The young Baron is found eating from golden bowls while the native people live in poverty with very little food. Th...

Legalization of Gambling in Ohio Essay -- Papers

Legalization of Gambling in Ohio The words Casinos and Gambling are often associated with gangsters, prostitution, murderers, and all the illegal operations one could think of. Those kinds of stereotypes are picked up in movies like ?Casino? and the countless other gangster and casino related movies that are based in the 50?s, 60?s, and 70?s, but that was then and this is now. ?While there may be some vestigial ties between organized crime and casinos, gambling is now big business? (Weissman 1). ?The term gambling or ?gaming? as the industry calls it, means any legalized form of wagering or betting conducted in a casino, on a riverboat, on an Indian reservation, or at any other location under the jurisdiction of the United States? (National Gambling Impact Study Commission Act). The hobby of gambling is a part of most people lives. Casual bets on the Bulls and Knicks game or a weekend poker game at your buddies house are both forms of gambling. Gambling is a multi-billion dollar industry and Amy J. Seifert said in her article The Stakes that ?gambling has become one of the nation?s fastest growing industries? (Seifert 2). Ohio can get a piece of that if they legalize all forms of gambling. Gambling, like baseball, is a national pastime. Gambling is deeply imbedded in the history of United States. Many settlers in Jamestown had their passageway paid for by the sale of lottery tickets. The revolutionary army was funded by lottery tickets also--Gen. George Washington bought the first one. In the 18th Century, buildings at Harvard, Yale, and Princeton were financed by lotteries (History of Gambling...1). Many people of the 1800?s wouldn?t be caught dead without a deck... [Online] Available, February 26, 2007. Kolasky, Bob. Issue of the Week: Fighting Long Odds. [Online] Available, February 22, 2007 NATIONAL GAMBLING IMPACT STUDY COMMISSION ACT. [Online] Available, February 20, 2007 ?Neon Night in Las Vegas.? Encarta Multimedia Encyclopedia. CD-ROM, 2005. Official Report of Votes for Statewide Issue 1. [Online] Available, March 1, 2007 Seifert, Amy J. The stakes. [Online] Available http://www.churchstreetumc. org/ present2.html, February 28, 2007. Weissman, Robert. A BAD BET Casino Economics and the Politics of Gambling [Online] Available html, February 10, 2007.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Chris Peterson at DSS Consulting Essay

This case discussed the events that occurred during a change in DSS Consulting’s organizational structure. Three retired school district administrators established DSS Consulting during the late 1990’s. The company offered administrative support to small school districts located within the mid-west and mountain west region. They specialized in handling the negotiating of labor agreements as well as implementation of permanent system solutions designed to enable those organizations to run efficiently. The firm experienced a significant degree of success during their early years, which was primarily attributed to the founder’s personal relationships within each school district that utilized their services. The demand for the services offered by DSS grew quickly given the changing dynamic of challenges faced by each district. Some of those challenges related to reductions in budgets and subsequent reduction of administrative staff. The firm structured themselves to accommodate the change in services needs of their customers. As a result, DSS designed an organizational structure that consisted of the four areas of specialization: Procurement and Systems, Information Technology, Contract Negotiation and Facilities Planning. By the mid-2000’s, DSS experienced some significant changes in their organizational structure and their customer base. It was during this time that the founders of the company reduced the amount of time they were spending in client engagement and relying upon the expertise of the management teams for each specialized area. As a result, a gap was created surfacing the need for a strategy for attracting and retaining new business. This would require adapting their service offerings to meet the demands of rapidly changing market base. These factors led to a halt in the firm’s growth and forced the company to redefine the organizational structure to remain a competitor. The key issues of this case involved successfully redesigning the firm’s strategy, implementation of those changes while  maintaining their level of success. The firm would need to realign their management structure and create functional teams to design, develop and implement product offerings that would appeal to an expanded market (i.e. larger school districts). A major consideration for the firm was how to achieve this goal and maintain the level of commitment from employee’s as change in any form can be a daunting task. A new management structure was determined and Meg Cooke was appointed the Chief Operating Officer of DSS. Ms. Cooke and the Board of Directors made the decision to adopt a new structure that created cross-functional teams each assigned to a specific region for which they would design and create products for customers specific to their region that could potentially be marketed to additional regions with similar demands. Based on my review of the case, the major issues identified can be categorized as communication, leadership, organizational culture and organizational change. Communication The manner in which the new strategy was communicated at all levels of the organization appeared to lack a clear concise message which defined the redesigned strategy, new organizational structure and a detailed implementation plan to achieve the desired results. The communication of these changes wasn’t handled in the most efficient manner and subsequently not received by all employees in a favourable manner. Study results that have been published by the University of Pittsburgh’s Katz Business School have indicated that effective communication skills have become one of the most important factors when recruiter’s are screening candidates for potential managerial positions. Both Ms. Cooke and Ms. Peterson failed to communicate in all phases of the organizational change. Although it appeared that Ms. Cooke met regularly with other department leaders, she and Ms. Peterson never had regularly scheduled planning meetings or informal weekly check-ins to ensure that sh e and her team were on target for successfully delivering the team’s objectives. Although, Ms. Peterson communicated and fostered open, collaborative conversations with her team, she failed to communicate with her manager to ensure that she understood expectations for herself as the leader and for her team. Successful communication is only achieved when the sender and receiver of information  have the same understanding of the information presented. (See Figure 1) For example, when Chris Peterson was assigned to lead her team in delivering new products that would appeal to larger districts within and outside of her designated region. She received the message as â€Å" create/design new product offerings that would appeal to districts within the southwest region. Leadership The style of leadership varies with every individual. It has been stated that today’s successful leaders have created in their organizations an atmosphere where every employee believes in management, their strategy and the importance of their individual contributions in achieving the organizations goal. Blake Mouton’s Managerial Grid is a model using in identifying leadership style that is based on the concept that there are two behavioural dimensions: concern for people which can be defined as the degree to which leaders are aware of and consider the needs of their staff, their skill sets and development potential when making decisions about specific tasks to be completed. The second dimension is concern for production and is defined as the degree to which leaders place importance on objectives, efficiency and production specifically what it takes to meet the desired result. Based on these definitions, I would classify Ms. Cooke’s driving leadership behaviour dimension to be in the latter category of concern for production and Ms. Peterson’s as concern for people. It was evident that Ms. Cooke’s leadership style resulted in a disorganized and poorly motivated organization. Her lack of leadership to Ms. Peterson resulted in the team being led in the direction of focusing their efforts on a project that would not be approved. Ms. Peterson clearly valued the skills of each team member as well as taking extensive steps to ensure that a collaborative, innovative environment existed for her team to design and develop a new product offering for the districts in the southwest region that would meet their needs. Organizational Culture and Organizational Change The culture that exists within any organization plays a vital role in the behaviour and actions of employees. Organizational culture as defined McLean and Marshall is a collection of traditions, values, policies, beliefs  and attitudes that constitute a pervasive context for everything we do and think in an organization. Based on this definition, DSS’s original organizational structure could be classified as so-called Power Culture (Handy, 1993). This culture is typical for small entrepreneurial organizations similar to DSS, where the founders had a strong influence and played a central role in managing the company and securing contracts from their school district contacts. These types of cultures rely heavily on trust, personal communication and empathy. The structure is very informal and there are few rules and guidelines in this culture. However, the changes implemented at DSS to redefine their strategy forced a culture change as well. The organizational structure changed from functional to a more structured matrix type. The appointment of the COO position shifted the organizational culture from the personal interactive environment to one of project and task oriented nature. This shift made implementation of the new strategy increasingly more difficult as this was new to everyone at all levels of the organization.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Context of Communication Essay

Explain how to adapt communication with children and young people for: Building relationships is important in children and young people. You need to adapt your behaviour and communication accordingly. Assessing the situation and environment you are in. It is important that children in all situations feel secure and have a sense of value from you. Your interaction with them should show this. You need to be able to create a positive relationship with children and young people this in turn will create a positive relationship, which will allow them to feel, accepted as part of the school community. Age of a child or young person. Different ages will require different levels of attention. It is up to you to be able to differentiate the different levels. A younger child may need assurance and more physical contact rather than an older child. As a child matures the physical contact is reduced and instead there is an increase level of confidence needed. They will need more help in expressing their opinions and thought’s across as well as involving themselves in discussion. Adapting your vocab is a good way to help progress in these levels as well as your response. Reacting positively by listening and responding to them accurately will help in their progress of effective communication. The context of communication You need to be aware of different situations such as age, place etc. you will need to adapt the communication to this situation. Being aware of children/young adults’ level of development and understanding of cognitive and language ability. When starting to talk to child/young person it is usually best to try and talk about them about something they like. For example talk to them about football, music or computer games. When talking about something they know it is makes them feel more comfortable when talking to you. As well you can talk to them about hobbies, interests, friends and family which will hopefully let you know some of things they do at home and outside of school. This will make it easier to start a conversation off by asking about a family member or what a certain activity was like. Making the child/young person talk to you in friendly way. But it is important to remember though that you are not the child/young person friend or parent you have to always be clear a bout your role.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Of Mice and Men Essay

The book Of Mice and Men focuses on the friendship of two migrant workers in California at a time when most of the work was done by people and not by machines. George was a small man who acted worldly and wise. Lennie was a huge man that had the mind of a child. Together George and Lennie would bounce from job to job with no money in their pockets and only the dream of someday owning a place of their own to keep them going. The two men were not able to stay in one place too long because Lennie would get into trouble and George would have to get the two of them out of the bad situation and find a new place to work until the next bad thing would happen. Why would George continue to complicate his life by dragging Lennie around? Why wouldn’t George just set off on his own and make his life a whole lot easier? It was obvious when I read through the book that Lennie could not have survived in the world without somebody like George watching out for him. As the story unfolded I had to ask myself, â€Å"Did George need Lennie as much as Lennie needed George? † Two men traveling together the way George and Lennie did was not very common during this time. Slim said to George on page 39, â€Å"Hardly none of the guys ever travel together. I hardly never seen two guys travel together. You know how hands are, they just come in and get their bunk and work a month, and then they quit and go out alone. Never seem to give a damn about nobody. † Why did George and Lennie travel together then? It is easy to answer that question when looking at it from Lennies point of view. Lennie needed somebody to protect him. Lennie had the mind of a small child and would not have been able to find work, feed himself or stay out of trouble if not for somebody like George. The reason why George traveled with Lennie on the other hand is a little bit more complicated. One reason may have been George made a promise to the person who took care of Lennie before George that he would. Does this mean that George is such a stand up person that he would not go back on his word? Maybe but I don’t think it is the main reason he put up with Lennie and all the trouble that came with him. Another reason George may have kept Lennie around was that Lennie was such a great worker that it made George’s life much easier always working alongside of him. A third reason why George may have continued to travel with Lennie was that George liked the fact that he was in charge of Lennie, similar to how a father was in charge of what his son does. George had so little in his life that maybe having Lennie around to tell what to do all the time made him feel needed or important. Jus’ tell Lennie what to do an’ he’ll do it if it don’t take no figuring. He can’t think of nothing to do himself, but he sure can take orders† George tells Slim on page 39. A fourth reason George kept Lennie around is maybe Lennie made George feel smart. George seemed like the kind of person that liked to feel he was smart. The last reason I can think of and probably the biggest reason was that George needed the company. I don’t think that George could even imagine living how he lived and not having anybody to share anything with, including his ideas and his dreams. Ultimately, I think all of these reasons played some role in why George kept Lenny around but fear of being alone was probably the biggest reason. Something good is gained by both parties in every successful relationship and the relationship that George and Lenny have was no exception. Lenny of course received protection and a person to take care of him. Those are two things he could not have survived without. I think what George gained most from the relationship was becoming a better person. On page 41, George says to Slim, â€Å"I ain’t got no people. I seen guys that go around on the ranches alone. That ain’t no good. They get wantin’ to fight all the time. † George meant he didn’t have any family at all. George was afraid if he lost Lennie, he would never have somebody close to him again, he would be all alone and turn mean. That is what George got most out of the relationship, the friendship he believed made him a better person. I think George proved just how much he cared about Lennie at the end of the story when he shot Lennie in the back of the head by the creek. George made the ultimate sacrifice in killing Lennie and putting himself in the position that he feared the most which is being along. George knew if anybody else found Lennie, especially Curley, they would have made Lennie suffer to pay for killing Curley’s wife. It was interesting what happened earlier with Old Candy and his dog being put to sleep. Old Candy seemed just as upset about not shooting the dog himself as losing the dog. â€Å"I should have done it myself†, Old Candy said near the end of the book. Maybe George learned from that. George believed the right thing was for somebody who cared about Lennie to end his life no matter how much it hurt. Of Mice and Men is a book about relationships with the relationship between two very different people, George and Lennie, at the forefront. Early on it seemed very obvious that Lennie got the most benefit from their friendship. As the story unfolds, it’s not so obvious. In the end, I believe that George benefitted as much or even more than Lennie from their strange friendship. George believed that Lennie made him a better person.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Foster children and family resilience Essay

Foster children refer to minors or young people who have been removed from their custodial adults or birth parents by governmental authority. These children are placed under the care of another family either through voluntary placement by a parent of the child or by the relevant governmental authority if the birth parent has failed to provide for the child. Family resilience on the other hand, is the positive capacity of a family to cope with catastrophe and stress. It is also a feature of resistance to future adverse events. In this sense, family resilience goes hand in hand with cumulative protective factors used to counteract risk factors. Naturally risk factors are against positive development of a child coupled with low academic achievement and behavioral or emotional problems. Examples of some of the risk factors are low socioeconomic status, poverty and parent with mental disorder, drug abuse and abusive caretaking among others. McCord, Joan. (1993) reported that resilient family is the one which remain composed despite being exposed to misfortune or stressful events. Some of the characteristics of family resilience include among others:- †¢ A sense of self esteem which enhances coping effectively with challenges. †¢ Active approach toward an obstacle. †¢ Ability to view difficulty as problems that can be overcame, endured or solved altogether. †¢ Being able to know when enough is enough though after being considerably persistent. Problems with generic present-day parent education programs Most of the parent education programs that are developed target only general situations rather than focusing on specific parent characteristics or situations (Elmquist, 1995; Nelson, 1995}. They try to use general approach to solve all problems which limit effectiveness of parent education program. Also, researches undertaken have given conflicting information and differing theories to approach parent education resulting to conflicting advice to parents (Powell, 1990). The few studies that have been undertaken on family programs have not been comprehensive making it hard to generalize about which strategies are effective, for whom and for what outcome (Powell1989; Small, 1990). On the other hand, some social problems such as teen pregnancy, adolescence suicide, and drug abuse that frequently affect parents in the process of bringing up children are difficult to tackle using a generic program because they need specialized program (Medway 1989, Mullis 1999). Changes in lifestyle and family structure add to complexity of issues involved in raising children hence making it difficult to address using generic parent education programs (Mullis, 1999; Powell, 1990). Why might a very structured family environment work with young children, but cause adolescent children to rebel? Between the ages of twelve and nineteen is a period in a teenager’s life that determines what kind of adult he or she will become. This period of adolescence is known as the â€Å"formative years† and they are vulnerable to peer pressure. At this stage they may experience an urge to rebel against the pressures placed on them as youths. Also, they give in to peer pressure because of an overemphasis on the importance of social adjustment, lack of interest or communication on the part of the parents and teachers, and the unrealistic expectations that these entities create. (Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly and Reed Larson,1984) From another point of view, families are always both functional and dysfunctional. What tend to work for a certain group will somehow not always work for another. A structured family is functional for young children but dysfunctional to adolescents (Huber, 1998; Masten 2001) Families with young children are very structured and this contributes to stable and secure context to live within. This same structure contributes to rigidity and rebellious behavior among adolescences. It’s the balance between the two that’s functional and dysfunctional that determines the success of children rearing Strength of the foster care system The foster care system help parents in finding what their talents and strengths are in their role as parents. It also facilitate parents to use their talents and strengths more frequently to minimize stress, improve family communication and engage their children in problem solving. The system designed to assist children and adolescences whose development is negatively affected by issues such as parental neglect, abuse, emotional and behavioral problems (Benedict and White, 1991). It gives increased attention to emotionally disturbed children and adolescences and concentrates mostly on the necessity for alternative interventions to address their needs (Barbell, 1996; Brandenburg, Friedman and Silver, 1990). The system help on ensuring that, children are well catered for in a conducive environment. The system facilitates the recruitment and training of foster parent for they are considered vital partners in ensuring children gain a sense of self-worth and self-confidence. It also cooperates nationally to review the success of the foster care program. It mostly focuses on specifically designed treatment plans that focus on fulfilling the needs of the treatment foster care child (Hawkins, 1989). Purpose of the family resilience project. Family resilience project focuses on increasing successful behavior by using a family own expertise in addressing issues in treatment of foster care families. It allows families to view their behavior as both a dysfunctional and functional and put more emphasis on increasing functional behavior. Also it offers treatment foster care families specialized and individualized training directly geared toward bringing up children residing with them. On the other hand, another project goal includes creating more positive working relationship between treatment foster care family and biological family. It also creates an understanding among the family members hence enhancing an appreciation for being treatment foster care family. The project provides parent education training that is practical and that could be readily applied. Conclusion Family resilient project advocate reacting to child’s behavior immediately as compared to delaying the reaction because it yield more positive results. The foster care child knows the parent are serious when they don’t allow bad behavior to pass It also advocates use of set of rules that are flexible, concentrating more on what has worked. The project advocates the use of skills which include ability to think reflectively and being able to attempt alternative solutions for social problems. References Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly and Reed Larson. Being Adolescent: Conflict and Growth in the Teenage Years. Basic Books, Inc. 1984. New York McCarthy, John D. and Dean R. Hoge. (1984). The dynamics of self-esteem and delinquency. American Journal of Sociology, 2. 396-410. Mullis, F. (1990) Active parenting: An evaluation of two adlerian parent education programs. The journal of individual psychology. McCord, Joan. (1993). Problem Behaviors. Pp. 414-430 in S. Feldman and G. Elliot (Eds. ), At the Threshold: The Developing Adolescent. Cambridge, MA:Harvard University Press. Rosenberg, Morris, Carmi Schooler,, and Carrie Schoenbach. (1989). Self-esteem and adolescent problems: Modeling reciprocal effects. American Sociological Review, 6. 1004-1018. Scholte, Evert M. (1992). Identification of children at risk at the police station and the prevention of delinquency. Psychiatry: Interpersonal and Biological Processes, 4. 354-369 Powel D. R(1990). Parent education and support programs. Young children 41,47-53.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Functions of the Human Body in Relation to Occupational Health and Research Paper

Functions of the Human Body in Relation to Occupational Health and Safety in the Working Environment - Research Paper Example   Similar to any mechanical system, the body might be stable or unstable and is able to bear a restricted gamut of physical pressures. Pressures might be forced internally or externally and might be severe or chronic. A helpful beginning in the deliberation of mechanical loading of the body is to differentiate between postural stress and task-induced stress. In the opinion of Grieve and Pheasant, postural stress is the expression used to signify the mechanical load on the body due to its posture. Posture can be defined as the average directions of the parts of the body in the course of time. (iii) Task-stress is dependent on the mechanical endeavor required to carry out daily tasks. It is a fact that majority of the repetitive tasks need a combination of static and rhythmic muscle activity. In the case of manual work, postural stabilization of the hands and arms is important for performing all but the complete movements in a purposeful manner. (iv) This stabilization is given by th e muscles more up the kinetic chain, muscles which cross the elbow and shoulder joints and have their origins in the cervical spine and thoracic areas. (v) When the task demands are quite above normal, the muscles might experience pain providing stabilization or in the muscles and joints of the effectors, or in both. In a period of time, a medical condition might develop. (Bridger 4-5) Explain why the role of individual susceptibility should b... identifying adverse effects on health and how you would use this information when considering potential scope and impact of situations with adverse effects on health. It is important to consider individual susceptibility when identifying adverse effects on health for which a separate branch has emerged known as ergonomics. Physiological problems happen when too much work is demanded from the body, to work awkwardly or to work under adverse environmental conditions. Fatigue happens mostly from work. To remain stable, the worker must not be more than tired at the end of his working day. Therefore the rest given into the task must be sufficient without becoming too heavy and unfeasible. In case of ergonomics, they access physical work through measurement of oxygen that is inhaled, change of heart rate, but are generally tied down by just being capable to calibrate people under semi-natural conditions. Nevertheless, in an identical fashion, they are able to calculate recovery from exhaustion. This bears a direct association with rest allowances, for example, it has been verified that even though learners require more rest compared to qualified workers , they are prone to make themselves tired by not resting sufficiently during the initial portion of their work. A natural balance exists between work and rest periods every day in which the quality and quantity of work are at the highest.  Ã‚     

Monday, August 12, 2019

John Lockes Possible View of Kantian Theory and Utilitarian Theory Essay

John Lockes Possible View of Kantian Theory and Utilitarian Theory Evaluations - Essay Example This established basis of the social contract to ensure peace and order. The Kantian theory identifies rules as a basis for ethics. Established rules define individual’s obligations and an ethical act is one that is consistent with stipulated duty. This identifies a center of power, real as a body that establishes rules or virtual through socially or traditionally created rules. The Kantian theory would demand compliance with established rules that govern patents and respect for rules that established the patenting authority and would justify Grace’s operations under the existing patent (Brooks and Dunn 182- 185; Waluchow 121- 124). The utilitarian theory, however, focuses on consequences of actions and justifies actions that offer net benefits to a majority of members of the society. The theory justifies an act when the act offers net benefits and to more people. Even though the case identifies the development of a beneficial product, patenting the product protects one entity’s rights and prohibits other people from free benefits of the neem product as an insecticide. It also limits use among individuals who could have been using the product in its crude form, under the patient's physical jurisdiction and would, therefore, be unjustified under utilitarian ethics. John Locke would, therefore, support the Kantian evaluation that justifies the rule-based ethics because of the corresponding respect of power in the Kantian theory and Locke’s theory of social contract. The theorist would, however, undermine utilitarian theory’s evaluation because of its susceptibility to selfish interest, based on altruism, which only leads to chaos (Brooks and Dunn 182- 185; Waluchow 121- 124).

International Human Rights Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

International Human Rights - Essay Example Responsible social behavior could have minimized the scale of the recession; businesses have to learn that maybe, the only thing that is important is the bottom line, that there is an interconnectivity with other factors within and beyond the business environments (Amnesty International, 2008). International co-operations have been accused of gross human rights abuse when they are established abroad more so in third world countries where poverty levels are high. This is because poverty drives workers in these countries to work extremely long hours for minimal wages under deplorable working conditions. This is exploitation at its worst and the governments tend to turn a blind eye because they benefit from the presence of such companies (Amnesty International, 2008). A group that has fallen prey often times to exploitation by corporations are illegal migrants and refugees. Rooted from their own homes in foreign lands where they cannot rely on the government for assistance, these are a vulnerable group. Their only target is survival and since most live in abject poverty, they are willing to work for extremely low wages just to help them get by. This is most unfortunate because migrant populations do contribute to the economies of the countries where they are hosted. Hence, equal working rights for migrants and fighting other discriminations of migrants should be made a priority (UNOG, 2008)2. Another challenge to upholding human rights where transnational corporations and other business enterprises are concerned is the dire poverty mostly inexperienced in third world countries where poverty drives people to accept any kind of work. It is known that multinational corporations that are involved in labor intensive industries choose to do locate their factories where wages are much lower for unskilled workers. Furthermore, those living in countries where there is extreme poverty also do without basic human rights

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Air pollution Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Air pollution - Research Paper Example Currently, automobiles are the largest contributor to the formation of ground ­ level ozone therefore there is a need to increase usage of alternative sources of transportation in order to reduce levels of O3 air pollution. Air pollution has become a major environmental health problem affecting both developed and developing countries throughout the world (Nadakavukaren, 2006). The consequence has been that air pollution is causing human health problems as well as damage to vegetation, crops, wildlife, materials, buildings and even the climate. In the U.S., the largest sources of air pollution, in order of importance, are: 1) transportation, mainly automobiles and trucks; 2) electric power plants that bum coal or oil; and 3) industry, for which the major sources include steel mills, metal smelters, oil refineries, and paper mills (Nadakavukaren, 2006). The most common air pollution problem resulting from these emission sources is ground-level ozone (O3), According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), non-attainment of EPA requirements for O3 is the most common air pollution problem facing large cities in the U.S (, 2011). It is estimated that, 160 million people in the U.S. lived in areas that are in non-attainment of healthful O3 levels (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development [OECD], 2005). In the past, efforts to reduce air pollution have consisted primarily of "command and control" programs that involve enforcement of government regulations designed to reduce toxic emissions. Such programs have proven highly effective in reducing industrial, point source pollution and causing auto manufacturers to produce cleaner burning automobiles (Environmental Protection Agency [EPA], 2011a). While these government controls continue to effectively lower industrial emissions and reduce pollutants emitted from vehicles, O3 precursor, NOx, continues to be emitted into the air at increasing levels. Problems